While traveling to Ayodhya, listening to music and looking at the moon through my train window, I was thinking about how I can make something more useful than Dataverse (the software I'm currently developing). I looked up at the stars and the sky looked like a scatter plot to me. Then I got a great idea!💡.
We can use data related to trajectories traversed by the celestial bodies and make a live 3D scatter plot. By extrapolating the values, we can see the paths followed by these bodies in the past. Where will these paths lead? According to the Big Bang Theory, at a single point; the point of singularity. Making such software is possible, but it will require a lot of data. Also, there would be many challenges, such as gravity, path deviations due to collisions, etc. Although we can compute gravity if appropriate data is available but the path deviations cannot be determined as the craters created on impact are overlapped and nearly erased. Therefore, developing such software is nearly impossible as per my knowledge.
[Then the Creator said]: "They know all...what shall we do with them now? Let their sight reach only to that which is near; let them see only a little of the face of the Earth!...Are they not by nature simple creatures of our making? Must they also be gods?" - The Popol Vuh of the Quiché Maya
I told my father about this idea. He immediately said "Red Shift Deluxe, probably this is the name of the software I used to play with." He's a physics major and has always been passionate about space.
I searched for the software he mentioned on the internet but couldn't find it. But, I found something interesting! The shapes of constellations as seen from Earth keep changing with time. It is a very basic point, but I never noticed it. Visualizing these changes in shape can be a great start for 'The Red Shift Software'.
So, I'll start working on this software after my trip. Just wanted to document the very initial phase of the software just in case it succeeds.
Ps- It's 1:00 am and the train is standing at Shahjahanpur Railway Station.
Checkout my GitHub repository 'theRedShiftSoftware' for more. Also, reach out to me if you have similar ideas.